Search code examples

How to limit feed?

I'm building a website to learn PHP and am making a combine-rss-feeds into one feed that I can display on my website.

Here's the code:


    class Feed_Amalgamator
        public $urls = array();
        public $data = array();

        public function addFeeds( array $feeds )
            $this->urls = array_merge( $this->urls, array_values($feeds) );

        public function grabRss()
            foreach ( $this->urls as $feed )
                $data = @new SimpleXMLElement( $feed, 0, true );
                if ( !$data )
                    throw new Exception( 'Could not load: ' . $feed );
                foreach ( $data->channel->item as $item )
                    $this->data[] = $item;

        public function amalgamate()
            shuffle( $this->data );
            $temp = array();
            foreach ( $this->data as $item )
                if ( !in_array($item->link, $this->links($temp)) )
                    $temp[] = $item;
            $this->data = $temp;
            shuffle( $this->data );

        private function links( array $items )
            $links = array();
            foreach ( $items as $item )
                $links[] = $item->link;
            return $links;

    /********* Example *********/

    $urls = array( '', '' );

        $feeds = new Feed_Amalgamator;
        $feeds->addFeeds( $urls );
    catch ( exception $e )
        die( $e->getMessage() );

    foreach ( $feeds->data as $item ) :
    extract( (array) $item );
    <a href="<?php echo $link; ?>"><?php echo $title; ?></a>
    <p><?php echo $description; ?></p>
    <p><em><?php echo $pubDate; ?></em></p>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

It's a great script, works perfectly, but it takes up quite a lot of space on my website. How can I limit it to only displaying, say 5 results, kind of like a MySQL limit?


  • Change your foreach to a for(i=0; i<5; i++) loop. The other possibility: introduce a counter variable that you increment and test at the start of the foreach. Break out of the loop when it hits 5.