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Play Framework 2.0 and Ebean SQL logging

I want to examine what SQL statements are generated by Ebean to find out why certain exceptions (related to SQL syntax) are occurring in my Play 2.0 application. Is there a way to log the SQL statements generated by Ebean in Play Framework 2.0?

In Play 1.x, there is a jpa.debugSQL config option, which if set to true, will do exactly this. Does a similar setting for Ebean exist for Play 2.0? The documentation page about Ebean of Play 2.0 is still a bit scarce.

What I have tried so far:

I have added these method calls in my controllers and the onStart / onRequest methods of the Global object, but it doesn't have any effect:


I have modified the log levels from application.conf, but it didn't help either (even with log level TRACE).


  • Sorry to be late to the party, but I use this in development:


    Add those two lines to the application.conf and you are good to go.

    It outputs all the sql statements. Hope it helps.