I'm working on a project in Django nonrel, on Google App Engine, though I have a feeling my problem has nothing to do with either of these directly .
I have a hidden field in one of the models that is defined like so:
models.CharField(max_length=400, null=True, blank=True,default="{}")
The field is meant to receive JSON data from a widget in my admin, and in the client its value changes properly.
(Which data is being sent is irrelevant to my problem - whatever string is in the field value is being corrupted)
The problem is -
when I look at the data as passed to the django save function , I see that every 75 characters I get =\r\n
inside the data string. This effectively breaks the string, rendering my data useless. I have no idea where this is coming from, or what causes this.
More interesting points:
, since I use GAE blobstore to upload a file in that formI haven't found anything remotely close to my problem on google...
Does anyone have a solution? Or maybe a direction on where to start looking?
So it turns out the problem is a result of this bug in Google App Engine
I found my solution here: Encoding problem in app engine when submitting multipart/form-data forms
The problem was solved using Andres Bossard middleware fix in that thread