If I got a collection full of following elements
public void MyEntity{
public String name;
public String type;
And I want to return a List<String>
(or Set
) of not the elements, but only their name
List<String> allNames = datasotre.find(MyEntity.class).asList("name");
This is sample query, there is no such method of Morphia datastore.
To limit the fields returned call the "retrievedFields" method on Query. For example, to only get the name field of all MyEntity objects:
datastore.find(MyEntity.class).retrievedFields( true, "name").asList()
Edit - You can get a list Strings using the following query as long as you don't mind that the list will only contain unique values (i.e. no duplicate names):
DBCollection m = datastore.getCollection( MyEntity.class );
List names = m.distinct( "name", new BasicDBObject() );
The "names" list will only contain Strings.