Total newbie Iphone/ Obj. C question:
I have a class called Location, in the Location.h i declare:
@interface Location : NSObject
NSString *lat;
NSString *lon;
In my Location.m i have to methods:
NSLog(@"called setLatLon");
lat = lati;
lon = longi;
which I call on location updates from the LocationManager. Now when I try to send that out as a JSON with
NSDictionary *sendData = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
imei, @"imei",
lat, @"lat",
lon, @"lon",
i get this error:
*** -[CFString retain]: message sent to deallocated instance 0xc05b5d0
So lat & lon seem to be deallocated. How can I prevent that or have I implemented a totally stupid 'design' here?
Try this:
@interface Location : NSObject {
NSString *lat;
NSString *lon;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *lon;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *lat;
@implementation Location
@synthesize lon;
@synthesize lat;
{ = lati;
self.lon = longi;
And If you want dive deeply in ios dev, you should read follow article: Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide and The Objective-C Programming Language