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Lots of undeclared identifiers related to OpenGL using GLFW

I'm trying to set up an OpenGL project using GLFW in Visual c++ 2008 (Windows 7). I have added the GLFW include and library directories to the project's include and library paths, and I have put the following in additional dependencies:

GLFW.lib glu32.lib opengl32.lib

That is everything I need to do, isn't it? But when I try to compile any OpenGl program (except an extremely simple one that only clears the screen using glClear) I get a bunch of undeclared identifier and identifier not found erros. Any Idea why this can happen? Here is the complete error list:

1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(9) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'VBO'
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(9) : error C2377: 'GLuint' : redefinition; typedef cannot be overloaded with any other symbol
1>        c:\program files\microsoft sdks\windows\v6.0a\include\gl\gl.h(52) : see declaration of 'GLuint'
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(9) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(43) : error C3861: 'glEnableVertexAttribArray': identifier not found
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(45) : error C2065: 'GL_ARRAY_BUFFER' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(45) : error C3861: 'glBindBuffer': identifier not found
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(47) : error C3861: 'glVertexAttribPointer': identifier not found
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(55) : error C3861: 'glDisableVertexAttribArray': identifier not found
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(78) : error C3861: 'glGenBuffers': identifier not found
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(80) : error C2065: 'GL_ARRAY_BUFFER' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(80) : error C3861: 'glBindBuffer': identifier not found
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(82) : error C2065: 'GL_ARRAY_BUFFER' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(82) : error C2065: 'GL_STATIC_DRAW' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(82) : error C3861: 'glBufferData': identifier not found
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(87) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 'ShaderProgram'
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(87) : error C2182: 'AddShader' : illegal use of type 'void'
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(87) : error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'Vector3f' to 'int'
1>        No user-defined-conversion operator available that can perform this conversion, or the operator cannot be called
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(87) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(89) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '{'
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(89) : error C2447: '{' : missing function header (old-style formal list?)
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(144) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'ShaderProgram'
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(144) : error C2065: 'ShaderProgram' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(144) : error C3861: 'glCreateProgram': identifier not found
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(148) : error C2065: 'ShaderProgram' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(158) : error C2065: 'ShaderProgram' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(158) : error C2065: 'GL_VERTEX_SHADER' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(160) : error C2065: 'ShaderProgram' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(160) : error C2065: 'GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(166) : error C2065: 'GLchar' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(166) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'ErrorLog'
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(166) : error C2065: 'ErrorLog' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(166) : error C2059: syntax error : '{'
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(166) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '{'
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(166) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '}'
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(170) : error C2065: 'ShaderProgram' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(170) : error C3861: 'glLinkProgram': identifier not found
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(172) : error C2065: 'ShaderProgram' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(172) : error C2065: 'GL_LINK_STATUS' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(172) : error C3861: 'glGetProgramiv': identifier not found
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(176) : error C2065: 'ShaderProgram' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(176) : error C2065: 'ErrorLog' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(176) : error C2070: ''unknown-type'': illegal sizeof operand
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(176) : error C2065: 'ErrorLog' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(176) : error C3861: 'glGetProgramInfoLog': identifier not found
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(178) : error C2065: 'ErrorLog' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(186) : error C2065: 'ShaderProgram' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(186) : error C3861: 'glValidateProgram': identifier not found
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(188) : error C2065: 'ShaderProgram' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(188) : error C2065: 'GL_VALIDATE_STATUS' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(188) : error C3861: 'glGetProgramiv': identifier not found
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(192) : error C2065: 'ShaderProgram' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(192) : error C2065: 'ErrorLog' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(192) : error C2070: ''unknown-type'': illegal sizeof operand
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(192) : error C2065: 'ErrorLog' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(192) : error C3861: 'glGetProgramInfoLog': identifier not found
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(194) : error C2065: 'ErrorLog' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(202) : error C2065: 'ShaderProgram' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\glfw-2.7.3\opengl ikasi\main.cpp(202) : error C3861: 'glUseProgram': identifier not found

EDIT: here is the whole program

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>
#include <GL/glfw.h>

#include "math_3d.h"

GLuint VBO;

static const char* pVS = "                                                    \n\
#version 150                                                                  \n\
layout (location = 0) in vec3 Position;                                       \n\
void main()                                                                   \n\
{                                                                             \n\
gl_Position = vec4(0.5 * Position.x, 0.5 * Position.y, Position.z, 1.0);  \n\

static const char* pFS = "                                                    \n\
#version 150                                                                  \n\
out vec4 FragColor;                                                           \n\
void main()                                                                   \n\
{                                                                             \n\
FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);                                     \n\

static void RenderSceneCB()




    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, VBO);

    glVertexAttribPointer(0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, 0);

    glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 3);




static void CreateVertexBuffer()


    Vector3f Vertices[3];

    Vertices[0] = Vector3f(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);

    Vertices[1] = Vector3f(1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);

    Vertices[2] = Vector3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

    glGenBuffers(1, &VBO);


glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(Vertices), Vertices, GL_STATIC_DRAW);


static void AddShader(GLuint ShaderProgram, const char* pShaderText, GLenum ShaderType)


    GLuint ShaderObj = glCreateShader(ShaderType);

    if (ShaderObj == 0) {

        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating shader type %d\n", ShaderType);

        return ;


    const GLchar* p[1];

    p[0] = pShaderText;

    GLint Lengths[1];

    Lengths[0]= strlen(pShaderText);

    glShaderSource(ShaderObj, 1, p, Lengths);


    GLint success;

    glGetShaderiv(ShaderObj, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, &success);

    if (!success) {

        GLchar InfoLog[1024];

        glGetShaderInfoLog(ShaderObj, 1024, NULL, InfoLog);

        fprintf(stderr, "Error compiling shader type %d: '%s'\n", ShaderType, InfoLog);



    glAttachShader(ShaderProgram, ShaderObj);


static void CompileShaders()


    GLuint ShaderProgram = glCreateProgram();

    if (ShaderProgram == 0) {

        fprintf(stderr, "Error creating shader program\n");



    AddShader(ShaderProgram, pVS, GL_VERTEX_SHADER);

    AddShader(ShaderProgram, pFS, GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER);

    GLint Success = 0;

    GLchar ErrorLog[1024] = { 0 };


    glGetProgramiv(ShaderProgram, GL_LINK_STATUS, &Success);

if (Success == 0) {

glGetProgramInfoLog(ShaderProgram, sizeof(ErrorLog), NULL, ErrorLog);

fprintf(stderr, "Error linking shader program: '%s'\n", ErrorLog);




    glGetProgramiv(ShaderProgram, GL_VALIDATE_STATUS, &Success);

    if (!Success) {

        glGetProgramInfoLog(ShaderProgram, sizeof(ErrorLog), NULL, ErrorLog);

        fprintf(stderr, "Invalid shader program: '%s'\n", ErrorLog);





int main(int argc, char** argv)



    glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_VERSION_MAJOR, 3);

    glfwOpenWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_VERSION_MINOR, 2);

    glfwOpenWindow(600, 600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GLFW_WINDOW);

    glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);



   while (1)




    return 0;


EDIT 2: And here the math_3d.h header

#ifndef MATH_3D_H
#define MATH_3D_H

struct Vector3f
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;


    Vector3f(float _x, float _y, float _z)
        x = _x;
        y = _y;
        z = _z;



  • The problem is spelled out pretty clearly on the OpenGL Wiki's Getting Started page. Your problem is that you don't have a mechanism to load OpenGL functions, which is a necessary step in using OpenGL. You are strongly encouraged to use a library to do that.