I'm trying to fetch albums list from facebook via JavaScript and Graph API. I'm doing it like this:
FB.api('/me/albums', function(response){
Album covers coming back as photo id, not a url that I can insert into html. So, I need to get a urls in second step. But, by application design, I can't get urls later and insert images. I need to return a complete data object with album propereties (id, name, cover url). My last try is listed below:
FB.api('/me/albums', { fields : 'id,name,count,cover_photo' }, function(response){
if (!response || response.error) {
var parsed = $(response.data).map(function(){
if (this.count > 0) {
var result = {
aid : this.id,
title : this.name,
cover : this.cover_photo
return result;
for (var i = 0; i < parsed.length; i++) {
FB.api('/' + parsed[i].cover, { type : 'album' }, function(response){
parsed[i].thumb = response.picture;
The problem is that the loop is not waiting for cover queries and going forward, leaving return object without cover urls. I think it's can not be so difficult to do, but I can't find the solution long enough. Any ideas are welcome.
window.getAlbums = function() {
method: 'fql.multiquery',
queries: {
query1: 'select aid,name,link,photo_count,cover_object_id from album where owner = me()',
query2: 'SELECT pid,src FROM photo WHERE object_id IN (SELECT cover_object_id FROM #query1)'
function(response) {
var parsed = new Array();
var result = {
aid : value.aid,
title : value.name,
cover : response[1].fql_result_set[index].src,
link :value.link
Apped your album detail using
function getdata(data){
// console.log(value.aid + ' - '+ value.cover+ ' - '+ value.title );
$("#fb_albumb").append('<h3>'+ value.title +'</h3><a href="'+ value.link +'" target="_blank" ><img src="'+ value.cover +'" title="'+ value.title +'" /></a><br/>');
<fb:login-button scope="user_photos" onlogin="getAlbums()">Grant Permissions to Allow access to Photos and Albums</fb:login-button>
May be this will help you.