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Qt 4.8 - QFileIconProvider, Getting icon for non-existent file (based on extension)

I'm currently trying to get the icon based on a file extension, but it seems like QFileIconProvider will only return an icon if it can actually read an existing file. Is there any way I can get a QIcon based off of a file extension? One alternative would be to write a temporary file with the desired extension, but that is very inefficient so I'm looking for a way around.

Any help would be appreciated!


  • Here's my solution for Windows:


    class IconProvider
        static IconProvider * instance();
        static QIcon fileIcon(const QString &filename);
        static QIcon dirIcon();
        IconProvider() {}
        static IconProvider *self;
        QPixmapCache iconCache;
        QFileIconProvider iconProvider;


    IconProvider *IconProvider::self = 0;
    IconProvider *IconProvider::instance()
            self = new IconProvider();
        return self;
    QIcon IconProvider::fileIcon(const QString &filename)
        QFileInfo fileInfo(filename);
        QPixmap pixmap;
    #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
        if (fileInfo.suffix().isEmpty() || fileInfo.suffix() == "exe" && fileInfo.exists())
            return instance()->iconProvider.icon(fileInfo);
        if (!instance()->iconCache.find(fileInfo.suffix(), &pixmap))
            // Support for nonexistent file type icons, will reimplement it as custom icon provider later
            /* We don't use the variable, but by storing it statically, we
             * ensure CoInitialize is only called once. */
            static HRESULT comInit = CoInitialize(NULL);
            SHFILEINFO shFileInfo;
            unsigned long val = 0;
            val = SHGetFileInfo((const wchar_t *)("foo." + fileInfo.suffix()).utf16(), 0, &shFileInfo,
                                sizeof(SHFILEINFO), SHGFI_ICON | SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES);
            // Even if GetFileInfo returns a valid result, hIcon can be empty in some cases
            if (val && shFileInfo.hIcon)
                pixmap = QPixmap::fromWinHICON(shFileInfo.hIcon);
                if (!pixmap.isNull())
                    instance()->iconCache.insert(fileInfo.suffix(), pixmap);
                // TODO: Return default icon if nothing else found
        // Default icon for Linux and Mac OS X for now
        return instance()->iconProvider.icon(fileInfo);
        return QIcon(pixmap);
    QIcon IconProvider::dirIcon()
        return instance()->iconProvider.icon(QFileIconProvider::Folder);