I am in the process of creating a visual designer for which i need the snap to grid functionality like the one provided by mocking Bird ( Demo ). Is there any project, usercontrol or resources that will help me develop the same in silverlight as quick as possible.
I have been able to accomplish the drag and drop operation from the toolbox (Listbox ) to the canvas at the center of the designer screen. But the snap to grid and grid functionality is superb to have in the designer.
In your MouseMove routine, you need to do an additional adjustment to allow for snapping.
void MainImage_MouseMove(object sender, MouseMoveEventArgs args){
// ... assume you have calculated newX and newY already
adjustSnap(ref newX, ref newY);
// ... position your element
bool _isSnapOn = true;
void adjustSnap(ref double x, ref double y)
const double gridWidth = 100;
const double gridHeight = 100;
if (_isSnapOn)
if (x % gridWidth < gridWidth/2)
x -= x % gridWidth;
x += (gridWidth - x % gridWidth);
if (y % gridHeight < gridHeight / 2)
y -= y % gridHeight;
y += (gridHeight - y % gridHeight);