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Fastest way to code iteration through XML items using python's minidom?

What would be the shortest code/fastest way to put the feature in a dictionary, using python's minidom for this structure of xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<widget xmlns       = ""
        id          = ""
        version     = "2.0 Beta"
        height      = "200"
        width       = "200"
        viewmodes   = "fullscreen">

<feature name="" state="true"/>
<feature name="" state="true"/>
<feature name="" state="true"/>
<feature name="" state="false"/>

I'm not interested for now in widget's attributes just the features.

The output would be feature["camera"] = true feature["etc"] = false


  • from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
    from os.path import basename
    dom = parseString(raw_xml)
    feature = {}
    for f in dom.getElementsByTagName('feature'):
        name = basename(f.getAttribute('name'))
        state = f.getAttribute('state').lower() == 'true'
        feature[name] = state

    Or in SHORT:

    dict([(basename(f.getAttribute('name')), f.getAttribute('state').lower() == 'true')
      for f in parseString(raw).getElementsByTagName('feature')])