I would like to reuse a s:HTTPService
component if possible. I am having trouble understanding how to pass a parameter to the service call so the result function can be changed.
For example,
functOne(), HTTPService result = "FunctOneRtn(event)"
functTwo(), HTTPService result = "FunctTwoRtn(event)"
flex 4.6
<s:HTTPService id="myCall" url="http://myUrl.com/"
useProxy="false" method="POST" result=funct***Rtn(event) >
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
private function functOne() :void
var params:Object = new Object();
/* call FuntOneRtn */
private function functTwo() :void
var params:Object = new Object();
/* call FuntTwoRtn */
public function FunctOneRtn(event:ResultEvent) : void{
// Do Some Stuff
public function FunctTwoRtn(event:ResultEvent) : void{
// Do Some Stuff
thx Art
You can not pass a parameter to the HTTPService but you can can change the handler function for different requests. This is a sample
<s:HTTPService id="myCall" url="http://myUrl.com/"
useProxy="false" method="POST">
private function functOne():void
private function functTwo():void
private function FunctOneRtn(event:ResultEvent)
//handle function one result
private function FunctTwoRtn(event:ResultEvent)
//handle function two result
Then You can call functOne() and functTwo() as you like