I am looking for a procedure or something that gets fired if I right click on a Node (or in general on the VirtualStringTree)
I have the following scenario:
Now I would like to have a different popupmenu for ( 1 common ) for all my child nodes (and only if they are selected).
Hope you can understand what I mean, thank your for your help.
I won't answer your question but point you to the right event since you've said you want to have different popup menu for each node. The right click solution would have a weakness at least in missing menu key press which invokes the popup menu as well.
1.1 How to use different popup menu for each node depending on node level ?
procedure TForm1.VirtualTreeGetPopupMenu(Sender: TBaseVirtualTree;
Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex; const P: TPoint;
var AskParent: Boolean; var PopupMenu: TPopupMenu);
case VirtualTree.GetNodeLevel(Node) of
0: PopupMenu := PopupMenu1;
1: PopupMenu := PopupMenu2;
1.2 How to enable right mouse button click node selection ?
And to allow the right mouse button node selection, simply add the toRightClickSelect
option to the TreeOptions.SelectionOptions
option set.