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Is there a way to make a custom rule in QuickForm2 the same way as it was done in QuickForm using addFormRule

In QuickForm it could be done kind of like this:

$form = new HTML_QuickForm2('changepassword');

$passwordold = $fs->addElement('password', 'oldpassword')->setLabel('Old password');

function chkPass($fields)
    if ((strlen($fields['oldpassword']) && (md5($fields['oldpassword'])<>passwordcheck())))      
        return array('oldpassword' => 'Old password does not match your records.');
    return true;


But QuickForm2 does not seem to have addFormRule(), is there anything replacing it?


  • Found the answer:

    function chkPass($password)
        return ($password == 'qwerty');
    $oldpassword->createRule('callback', 'Old password does not match your records.', 'chkPass')