I am new to python and struggling to get cython to speed up some of my calculations. I have tried every possible way i can think of but it seems that i don't yet understand something so i fail miserably to this. I have these files:
The first one called Myfunc.pyx
import math
from sympy import Symbol
x = Symbol('x')
cdef float MyList(float a,float b):
return [(xa,ya,wi+a.subs(x,xa)*math.sin(xa)*b.subs(x,xa)*math.exp(1/ya**2)) for xa in range(1,5001,10) for ya in range(-2501,2501,10)]
The setup.py
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
libraries=["m"]) # Unix-like specific
name = "Demos",
cmdclass = {"build_ext": build_ext},
ext_modules = ext_modules
finally the python script called calc.py
which i run to get the list i want, called "MyList1":
import Myfunc
from sympy import Symbol
import math
x = Symbol('x')
print MyList1
Now some clarifications:
1) x,y are used in previous scripts purely as symbols to derive formulas. I use the a.subs(x,xa)
and b.subs(x,xa)
(see the first file Myfunc.pyx) to get rid of the x and replace it with xa to finally get numeric and not symbolic solutions. 2) I think that on the top of the third file (calc.py) i should not use import Myfunc
but something else i don't get. What i think i should do: run the setup.py and then since there are 2 new files created the Myfunc.c and the Myfunc.so i just run the calc.py file and supposedly i will have my numbers faster tahn in pure python. What must be done: I finally have no idea... What i want if possible: The exp()
and a.subs(x,xa)
and b.subs(x,xa)
i think are slowing down my calculations. I try to convert this piece of code from pure python to "cython" (i think conversion is not a good word to describe this). The tutorials in the official site are a bit incrompehensible for me so i always fail to achieve this. Excuse my english because my hovercraft is full of eels
It is not possible to combine sympy with cython. Cython speeds up python by translating cdef classes and declared variables into C and compiling it. sympy.Symbol or any other sympy function has no C++ equivalent it can thus not be compiled into C, hence no speed ups.
More concretely. When you declare a
with float a
, it is a C double not a sympy type. it therefore has no .subs
method. (and it can't have)
If I understand what you are working on numpy is a much better solution than cython. Essentially numpy.arrays are C data types. When you perform calculations with them it happens at C++ speed. It is documented how to use numpy with sympy. If for any reason you can not achieve what you intend with numpy(unlikely) numpy still works well with cython.