My code in the stored procedure:
my_table ir
--where clause goes here
CASE WHEN p_order_by_field='Id' AND p_sort_order='ASC' THEN IR.ID end,
CASE WHEN p_order_by_field='Id' AND p_sort_order='DESC' THEN IR.ID end DESC,
CASE WHEN p_order_by_field='Date' AND p_sort_order='ASC' THEN TO_CHAR(IR.IDATE, 'MM/dd/yyyy') end,
CASE WHEN p_order_by_field='Date' AND p_sort_order='DESC' THEN TO_CHAR(IR.IDATE, 'MM/dd/yyyy') end DESC;
The problem is that sorting is done based on the char, which comes out wrong for the date case. CASE statement, however, won't allow any other datatype other than char. So what is the solution in this case? I need to be able to pass the p_order_by_field into the stored procedure.
Should be simple - just use ISO date format in your case:
TO_CHAR(IR.IDATE, 'yyyy-mm-dd')
and you should be fine.