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CakePHP controller alias

I know there are a couple of other topics about this subject, but non of them seems to fit my needs.

What I have

  • LogsController.php

I have LogsController instead of LogController (plural) because CakePHP wants you to have controllers in plural.

But as you might know/notice, will never use LogsController because of the missing 's' in the url.

Now, I want to have /log/* being redirected to /logs/*. Works perfectly fine with the following code:

Router::connect ('/log/*', array('controller'=>'logs'));

But, when I try to access it doesn't seem to work. So after some Googeling I found this:

Router::connect ('/log/:action/*', array('controller'=>'logs'));

Works great. But now when I'm trying to access again, it says

Error: LogController could not be found.

Question So my question is, how do I set up an alias for my url so that /log/ will use LogsController instead of trying to use LogController.

I have a few more Controllers where I'd like to change this, like flight => FlightsController, profile => ProfilesController.

Have a look at this question. It is about the same subject, but slightly different. It might help you in some way.


  • Ok, with the help of some other people on IRC and stuff like that. I found out the following.

    A combination of

    Router::connect('/flight/:action/*', array('controller'=>'flights'));
    Router::connect('/flight/*', array('controller'=>'flights'));

    does the trick. I tried this before, but in a other order, like so:

    Router::connect('/flight/*', array('controller'=>'flights'));
    Router::connect('/flight/:action/*', array('controller'=>'flights'));

    which doesn't work.

    So the first 2 lines of code in this post solved it for me. Another guy told me that the solution of Arun Jain isn't a proper solution, because it changes the nameconventions in the core as well. Which will cause problems with the FormsHelper and classes like that. So I think I will prefer the code in this post since this is just an alias instead of a core changing piece of script. Thanks for the help anyway.