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Assetic - Route "_assetic_001d5b7_0" does not exist

This question seems to have been asked multiple times but none of the solutions work for me.

I'm in my prod environment, here is what I've done:

  • cleared cache before/after doing anything
  • attempted commenting out the _assetic stuff in config_dev and ensure it isn't anywhere else (not that this should matter in prod env)
  • set use_controller to both true and false (obviously works with true but doesn't use the compiled files)

Is there anything else I'm missing? The files are generating completely fine from php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug the file name matches that of in the error minus the route stuff.


  • I had this problem just one minute ago. Clean up the cache worked for me:

    app/console cache:clear --env=prod

    Hope this helps.