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jQuery: test regex pattern of class


I'd like to adress the parent elements of different paragraphs. Cause the paragraphs are nested in a different way I cannot adress the same way by using "closest" or sth..

That's why I try to use regex testing to adress #text-test AND #img-test:

<div class="text-test">
    <p class"tester">texttest</p>
<div class="img-test">
   <div class="wrapper">
    <p class="tester">imgtest</p>  

$('.tester').click(function() {
    /* get the closest div where the class ends up with -test
    * and add class active 
    * wrapperdiv = $(this).closest('div').attr('class').test(/-test$/);

Do you have an advice how I could adress by using the test-method?



  • $(this).closest('div[class$="-test"]').addClass('active');

    [name$=value] called End with selector. For above case, which will select those div, whose class end with -test.