I'm brand new to clojure and the web development stack. I'm trying to use enlive to set values in an HTML template:
(en/deftemplate project-main-page
(en/xml-resource "project-main.html")
[:#project-name] (en/content (str "Name: " ((get-project id) :name)))
[:#project-desc] (en/content (str "Desc: " ((get-project id) :desc))))
This works fine to set my two HTML elements, but it involves a repeated call to my function get-project
. At the moment this just reads from a local map, but eventually it will involve some external storage access, so I'd prefer to just perform it once in this function.
I was thinking of using let
(en/deftemplate project-main-page
(en/xml-resource "project-main.html")
(let [project (get-project id)]
[:#project-name] (en/content (str "Name: " (project :name)))
[:#project-desc] (en/content (str "Desc: " (project :desc)))))
But this only affects the description element and ignores the name forms.
What is the best way to bind a local var within deftemplate
Enlive's deftemplate
macro expects a series of tag/content pairs after the args vector (the args vector is [id]
in your example). You can't just stick a let
in there because the macro isn't expecting a let
form, so when it does its splicing everything gets messed up and results in the behavior you described above.
One way you could fix this would be to write your own deftemplate
macro that allows binding definitions using the identifiers in the args vector. Example:
(alt/deftemplate project-main-page
(en/xml-resource "project-main.html")
[project (get-project id)]
[:#project-name] (en/content (str "Name: " (project :name)))
[:#project-desc] (en/content (str "Desc: " (project :desc))))
The deftemplate
macro is a simple wrapper around template
, which uses snippet*
and this is probably where you'd need to insert your changes:
(defmacro snippet* [nodes args & forms]
`(let [nodes# (map annotate ~nodes)]
(fn ~args
; You could add let bindings here since args are in scope
(doall (flatmap (transformation ~@forms) nodes#)))))
The other option—which might be simpler since you don't have to muck around in the library code—would be to add a level of indirection to your get-project
function to cache results. You might try the core.cache library.