Looking for a way to mock spring security in some unit/integration tests.
Controller has the following:
// some action
def index(){
def user = getLoggedInUser()
render ....
private getLoggedInUser(){
return User.get(springSecurityService.principal.id)
I tried the following and various other ways but can't see to get it to work:
void testSomething(){
def dc = new SomeController()
dc.springSecurityService = [
encodePassword: 'password',
reauthenticate: { String u -> true},
loggedIn: true,
principal: [username:"Bob"]]
... assertion....
It seems that the user is not getting created and can't get the principal.id
. Any suggestions or better alternatives?
I think the user is just being created, but not saved, and that's why it doesn't have an ID.
The solution could be this:
void testSomething(){
def dc = new SomeController()
def loggedInUser = new User(username: "Bob").save() // This way the user will have an ID
dc.springSecurityService = [
encodePassword: 'password',
reauthenticate: { String u -> true},
loggedIn: true,
principal: loggedInUser]
dc.index() ... assertion....
There's an alternative:
void testSomething(){
def dc = new SomeController()
def loggedInUser = new User(...).save()
dc.metaClass.getLoggedInUser = { loggedInUser }
I would suggest a refactor to getLoggedInUser:
private getLoggedInUser(){
return springSecurityService.currentUser
With this change, you could write:
void testSomething(){
def dc = new SomeController()
def loggedInUser = new User(...).save()
dc.springSecurityService = [
encodePassword: 'password',
reauthenticate: { String u -> true},
loggedIn: true,
getCurrenUser: { loggedInUser }]