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iPad Retina Images not showing?

In my application, I am having trouble showing iPad Retina images. I know I have to use the @2x~ipad.png extension in order to get them to properly show and I do that. My images are named according so they are all named the same besides the extension for each device. However, my images appear blurry when viewing them on an iPad 3. I know the images are the proper size and PPI but it just doesn't look clear.

My images are in my 'Copy Bundle Resources' too. I have tried to clean my project, and restart Xcode. No luck.

Also in Interace Builder in my iPad XIB, I have each image set to the -72.png image (I guess the image automatically switches to the @2x~ipad.png if it is an iPad 3 correct?)

Is there any way to confirm maybe via NSLogs to see if it is loading the correct images? Also is there anything else I should double check to ensure that the proper images are loaded.


  • Uh, if you really are doing this:

    [name]-72.png and [name]@2x~ipad.png

    thats not right.

    If this is a universal app, then you have

    • Foo.png (or Foo~iphone.png) and [email protected] (or Foo@2x~iphone.png) [NOTE: iphone not iPhone];

    • Foo~ipad.png and Foo@2x~ipad.png

    This all working for me in my universal app.

    EDIT: you can read about the naming convention in Apple's "Resource Programming Guide", page 46:

    The bundle- and image-loading routines automatically look for image files with the @2x string when the underlying device has a high-resolution screen. If you combine the @2x string with other modifiers, the @2x string should come before any device modifiers but after all other modifiers, such as launch orientation or URL scheme modifiers. For example:

    • MyImage.png - Default version of an image resource.

    • [email protected] - High-resolution version of an image resource for devices with Retina displays.

    • MyImage~iphone.png - Version of an image for iPhone and iPod touch.

    • MyImage@2x~iphone.png - High-resolution version of an image for iPhone and iPod touch devices with Retina displays.

    EDIT2: So I did trip on a reference to "-72" (and -50). These were used in iOS 3.1.3 and older. The full explanation is found "iOS Application Programming Guide", "App Icon" section (links too fragile to use).