I'm new to OGDF library and need to find the longest path in an acyclic directed graph (I want to use OGDF built in functions). I know, it is possible to find longest path using shortest path algorithms with negative weights for edges, but also could not find a proper function for it. Does OGDF has a specific function to do that? If yes, how can I use it?
In OGDF, you can find the shortest path between node s
and other nodes using ShortestPathWithBFM
. The lengths (weights) of edges should be passed to the function, using EdgeArray<int>
. Here is the class definition from its source code:
namespace ogdf {
class OGDF_EXPORT ShortestPathWithBFM : public ShortestPathModule
ShortestPathWithBFM() { }
// computes shortest paths
// Precond.:
// returns false iff the graph contains a negative cycle
bool call(
const Graph &G, // directed graph
const node s, // source node
const EdgeArray<int> &length, // length of an edge
NodeArray<int> &d, // contains shortest path distances after call
NodeArray<edge> &pi
} // end namespace ogdf
The algorithm would compute the longest path if you pass lengths in negative. For more information, please refer to: http://www.ogdf.net/doc-ogdf/classogdf_1_1_shortest_path_with_b_f_m.html