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Can anyone show me some examples of NSpec being used to test controllers (and other aspects of MVC site)?

I'm starting working with NSpec but would love a few pointers on the right way to use it to spec or test my controllers. Basically a few examples would go a very long way. Are there any example projects out there? All help would be appreciated.



  • Why yes! The tests suite that follows is from a reference implementation, there are 4 unique mvc applications that all use NSpec as their test suite. Definitely check them out here.

    Here is one of the tests. This specification verifies a login page and a registration page. For a website.

    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using NSpec;
    using BorrowedGames.Controllers;
    using System.Web.Mvc;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    namespace BorrowedGames.Tests.Controllers
      class describe_AccountController : _borrowed_games
        AccountController controller;
        dynamic user;
        bool authenticated;
        void before_each()
          controller = new AccountController();
          controller.Authenticate = s =>
            authenticated = true;
            SetCurrentUser(controller, Users.ForEmail(s).Id);
        void logging_in()
          context["requesting login page"] = () =>
            act = () => result = controller.LogOn();
            it["returns login page"] = () => 
              (result as object).should_cast_to<ViewResult>();
          context["authenticating"] = () =>
            act = () => result = controller.LogOn(new
              Email = "",
              Password = "password",
              RedirectUrl = null as string
            context["user exists"] = () =>
              before = () => 
                user = GivenUser("", null, "password");
              it["authenicates user"] = () =>
              it["redirects to home page"] = () => 
                (result.Url as string).should_be("/");
              it["sets user in session"] = () =>
            context["user exists, password doesn't match"] = () =>
              before = () => 
                GivenUser("", null, "other");
              it["returns invalid login"] = () => 
                (result.ViewBag.Flash as string).should_be("Login failed.");
            context["user does not exist"] = () =>
              it["returns invalid login"] = () => 
                (result.ViewBag.Flash as string).should_be("Login failed.");
        void registering_for_site()
          context["requesting registration page"] = () =>
            act = () => result = controller.Register();
            it["returns view"] = () => 
              (result as object).should_cast_to<ViewResult>();
          context["user registers"] = () =>
            act = () =>
              result = controller.Register(new
                Email = "",
                Password = "password",
                PasswordConfirmation = "password"
              user = Users.All().First().Id;
            it["logs in user"] = () => 
              (result.Url as string).should_be("/");
            it["authenticates user"] = () => 
            it["sets user in session"] = () =>
            context["user name is taken"] = () =>
              before = () => GivenUser("");
              it["return error stating that user name is taken"] = () =>
                (result.ViewBag.Flash as string).should_be("Email is unavailable.");
          context["registration is invalid"] = () =>
            act = () => result = 
                Email = default(string), 
                Password = default(string) 
            it["returns error stating that email is required."] = () =>
              (result.ViewBag.Flash as string).should_be("Email is required.");