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Why does not changing a few number of bytes in a file corrupts the file?

In C#, I have a ZIP file that I want to corrupt by XORing or Nulling its bytes. (by Nulling I mean make all the bytes in the file zeros) XORing its bytes requires me to first, read the bytes to a byte array, XOR the bytes in the array with some value, then write the bytes back to the file.

Now, if I XOR/Null All (or half) of the file's bytes, it gets corrupted, but if Just XOR/Null some of the bytes, say the first few bytes (or any few number of bytes in any position of the file) it doesn't get corrupted, and by that I mean that i can still access the file as if nothing really happend.

Same thing happened with mp3 files.

Why isn't the file getting corrupted ? and is there a "FAST" way that i could corrupt a file with ?

the problem is that the zip file that I'm dealing with is big, so XORing/Nulling even half of its bytes will take a couple of secs.

Thank You So Much In Advance .. :)


  • Just read all files completely and you probaly will get reading errors.

    But of course, if you want to keep something 'secret', use encryption.

    A zip contains a small header, a directory structure (a the end) and in between the individual files. See Wikipedia for details.

    Corrupting the first bytes is sure to corrupt the file but it is also very easily repaired. The reader won't be able to find the directory block at the end.

    Damaging the last block has the same effect: the reader will give up immediately but it is repairable.

    Changing a byte in the middle will corrupt 1 file. The CRC will fail.