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How to bind the result of two functions using array in PHP

I have two functions here:

public function bindOwnerToSites(){  
error_reporting (E_ALL^ E_NOTICE);  

    foreach( $this->balance as $keysaa =>$key_valuesa)//getsitebalance
                foreach( $this->sites as $keys=>$key_values)//getsites

                        if  ($key_values['SiteID'] == $key_valuesa['SiteID'])

                         $this->arrays[$key_valuesa['SiteID']] = array('SiteID'=>$key_valuesa['SiteID'],'Balance'=>$key_valuesa['Balance'],'MinBalance'=>$key_valuesa['MinBalance'],'MaxBalance'=>$key_valuesa['MaxBalance'],'OwnerAID'=>$key_values['OwnerAID'],'GroupID'=>1);    



            print_r ($this->arrays,$return=null);  

the output of bindOwnerToSites() shown like this:

[1] => Array
        [SiteID] => 1
        [Balance] => 2000
        [MinBalance] => 1000
        [MaxBalance] => 500
        [OwnerAID] => 1
        [GroupID] => 1


Here's the code for the second function:

    public function computeGHComponents()
      error_reporting (E_ALL^ E_NOTICE);          

        foreach ($this->transaction as $t){
            $amount = (float) $t['Amount'];

            if (isset($this->totals[ $t['SiteID'] ][ $t['TransactionType'] ])){
                $this->totals[ $t['SiteID'] ][ $t['TransactionType'] ] += (float) $amount;
            } else {
                 $this->totals[ $t['SiteID'] ][ $t['TransactionType'] ] = (float) $amount;

     foreach($this->totals as $key => $value)
          $this->result[$key] = array("Deposit"=>$value['D'], "Redemption"=>$value['W'], "Reload"=>$value['R']);



And the output of computeGHComponents() shown like this:

[1] => Array
        [Deposit] => 10000
        [Redemption] => 500.00
        [Reload] => 200.00


Now, I need to bind the result of the two functions, I'll try on my own but there something wrong with my codes, I need your help, I put everything here so I hope you better know what I suppose to achieved. Here's my code in binding :

    public function bindGHComponentsToSites()
    error_reporting (E_ALL^ E_NOTICE);  

    $combined = array();

    foreach($this->arrays as $key => $key_value){

                 foreach($this->result as $keys => $key_values){   

               $combined[$key_values['SiteID']] = array_merge((array)$key_value, (array)$key_values);




The result should be like this, How can I have this kind of result? I need your patience with this question, I'm just a beginner programmer, so hope you understand.

[1] => Array
        [SiteID] => 1
        [Balance] => 2000
        [MinBalance] => 1000
        [MaxBalance] => 500
        [OwnerAID] => 1
        [GroupID] => 1
        [Deposit] => 10000.00
        [Redemption] =>  500.00
        [Reload] => 200.00


Thanks in advance and Please guide me in proper way.


  • There is the plus operator for merging arrays (when keys should be preserved):

    $array1 = array('foo' => 'bar');
    $array2 = array('baz' => 'trololol');
    print_r($array1 + $array2); // yields "Array ( [foo] => bar [baz] => trololol )"

    In your case this can be utilized like this:

    $combined = array();
    foreach ($this->arrays as $siteId => $data) {
        $combined[$siteId] = $data + $this->result[$siteId];