Yesterday, I got stuck in a perl script. Let me simplify it, suppose there is a string (say ABCDEABCDEABCDEPABCDEABCDEPABCDEABCD), first I've to break it at every position where "E" comes, and secondly, break it specifically where the user wants to be at. But, the condition is, program should not cut at those sites where E is followed by P. For example there are 6 Es in this sequence, so one should get 7 fragments, but as 2 Es are followed by P one will get 5 only fragments in the output.
I need help regarding the second case. Suppose user doesn't wants to cut this sequence at, say 5th and 10th positions of E in the sequence, then what should be the corresponding script to let program skip these two sites only? My script for first case is:
$otext=~ s/([E])/$1=/g; #Main cut rule.
$otext=~ s/=P/P/g;
@output = split( /\=/, $otext);
print "@output";
Please do help!
To split on "E" except where it's followed by "P", you should use Negative look-ahead assertions.
From perldoc perlre
"Look-Around Assertions" section:
- (?!pattern)
A zero-width negative look-ahead assertion.
For example/foo(?!bar)/
matches any occurrence of "foo" that isn't followed by "bar".
my @output=split(/E(?!P)/, $otext);
use Data::Dumper; print Data::Dumper->Dump([\@output]);"
$VAR1 = [
Now, in order to NOT cut at occurences #2 and #4, you can do 2 things:
Concoct a really fancy regex that automatically fails to match on given occurence. I will leave that to someone else to attempt in an answer for completeness sake.
Simply stitch together the correct fragments.
I'm too brain-dead to come up with a good idiomatic way of doing it, but the simple and dirty way is either:
my %no_cuts = map { ($_=>1) } (2,4); # Do not cut in positions 2,4
my @output_final;
for(my $i=0; $i < @output; $i++) {
if ($no_cuts{$i}) {
$output_final[-1] .= $output[$i];
} else {
push @output_final, $output[$i];
print Data::Dumper->Dump([\@output_final];
$VAR1 = [
Or, simpler:
my %no_cuts = map { ($_=>1) } (2,4); # Do not cut in positions 2,4
for(my $i=0; $i < @output; $i++) {
$output[$i-1] .= $output[$i];
$output[$i]=undef; # Make the slot empty
my @output_final = grep {$_} @output; # Skip empty slots
print Data::Dumper->Dump([\@output_final];
$VAR1 = [