I have the below command in my shell script to send all the four echo statements in one email
echo "Data Successfully loaded into LIP table"
echo "Total Items Purchased: `echo $QUERY1 | awk '{print $1}'`"
echo "Total Items MissingorMismatch: `echo $QUERY1 | awk '{print $2}'`"
echo "Error Percentage: $QUERY2"
} | mailx -s "Report for $DATE_YEST_FORMAT1" -r rj@host.com user2@host.com
But when I see my email, I get the output like below which I don't want-
Data Successfully loaded into LIP table Total Items Purchased: 3956391
Total Items MissingorMismatch: 975825 Error Percentage: 24.66452380464924
I need output something like below as line by line.
Data Successfully loaded into LIP table
Total Items Purchased: 3956391
Total Items MissingorMismatch: 975825
Error Percentage: 24.66452380464924
Any suggestion why is it happening like this? I am running SunOS (Solaris)
After trying the suggestion give by Kevin
QUERY1=`hive -e "
set mapred.job.queue.name=hdmi-technology;
SELECT SUM(total_items_purchased), SUM(total_items_missingormismatch) from lip_data_quality where dt='$DATE_YEST_FORMAT2';"`
QUERY2=`hive -e "
set mapred.job.queue.name=hdmi-technology;
SELECT 100 * SUM(total_items_missingormismatch*1.0) / SUM(total_items_purchased) FROM lip_data_quality where dt='$DATE_YEST_FORMAT2';"`
mailx -s "LIP Data Quality Report for $DATE_YEST_FORMAT1" -r rj@host.com rj@host.com uname@host.com <<EOF
Data Successfully loaded into LIP_DATA_QUALITY table
Total Items Purchased: $(echo $QUERY1 | awk '{print $1}')
Total Items MissingorMismatch: $(echo $QUERY1 | awk '{print $2}')
Error Percentage: $QUERY2
Output that I got in an email-
Data Successfully loaded into LIP_DATA_QUALITY table
Total Items Purchased: $(echo 3712928 393455 | awk '{print }')
Total Items MissingorMismatch: $(echo 3712928 393455 | awk '{print }')
Error Percentage: 10.596892802661404
Which is not right.. I should be getting output like this-
Data Successfully loaded into LIP_DATA_QUALITY table
Total Items Purchased: 3712928
Total Items MissingorMismatch: 393455
Error Percentage: 10.596892802661404
I am running SunOS
bash-3.00$ uname -a
SunOS lvsaishdc3in0001 5.10 Generic_142901-02 i86pc i386 i86pc
It's possible that mailx
ignores single newlines and separates paragraphs by an empty line, similar to tex
and our own SO.
That combined with a heredoc
mailx -s "Report for $DATE_YEST_FORMAT1" -r rj@host.com user2@host.com <<EOF
Data Successfully loaded into LIP table
Total Items Purchased: `echo $QUERY1 | awk '{print $1}'`
Total Items MissingorMismatch: `echo $QUERY1 | awk '{print $2}'`
Error Percentage: $QUERY2
[It appears that your bash does not recognize the $(command)
syntax, so I have removed that.]
[N.B. I just tested, and Solaris's mailx
sent an email formatted precisely as I typed it. If your mail reader is displaying in HTML mode, however, it may collapse whitespace and show it all as one line.]