I'm trying to define a very limited parser combinator library using boost::proto and was wondering if it's by any means possible to define a non-default constructed proto terminal.
I have a structure like this:
struct symbol
symbol(const string &str): str_(str) {}
bool operator()(const string &str) const {
return (str == str_);
string str_;
that I'd like to use as a boost proto terminal in proto expressions. I was able to get it to work with the help of BOOST_PROTO_DEFINE_OPERATORS
, but I find it somewhat inconvenient to frequently have to wrap it in a proto::lit()
inside proto expressions:
match(symbol("abc") >> (proto::lit(symbol("xyz")) | symbol("klm")))
I was wondering if I could create a proto terminal like this:
proto::terminal<symbol>::type sym;
that would somehow be able to take a string argument and pass it to the constructor of symbol.
Note: I know about Spirit, but my compiler doesn't quite support it!
You can make the name sym
a function that returns a terminal:
proto::terminal<symbol>::type sym(std::string const& s)
{ return { symbol(s) }; }
much like lit
is a function template that turns its parameter into a terminal.