I have a CruiseControl project that executes a file build.py
, whether it is nightly or CI. I would like to throw up some kind of flag in my build script that can determine which function to call, so I don't have to have two .py
files that do essentially the same thing.
Is it possible to pass in variables or parameters through CruiseControl when executing a .py
<project name="x" default="build">
<target name="build-ci">
<exec executable="python" failonerror="true">
<arg value="build-cc.py" />
<arg value="$(label)" />
<project name="x-nightly" default="build">
<target name="build-nightly">
<exec executable="python" failonerror="true">
<arg value="build-cc.py" />
<arg value="$(label)" />
You can pass properties into ant from cruisecontrol. build-type will be a property in your ant script.
<schedule interval="${schedule_interval.seconds}">
<ant anthome="${anthome.dir}" buildfile="${buildfiles.dir}${antbuild.file}" target="my-ant-target" uselogger="true">
<property name="build-type" value="nightly"/>
So if you have two cruisecontrol projects, one for the nightly and one for the CI, they could each pass in a different value for build-type.
Your question is hard to understand for me though. Could you post some of your cruisecontrol script?