So I'm just getting started with F#, and I'm encountering a very weird issue where I get a System.MissingMethodException thrown when using certain methods from the FSharp PowerPack.
This does not happen for all methods in the same module. It also does not happen if I compile my assembly as an Application instead of a class library.
Reproduction steps:
Create the following test fixture in each assembly.
open NUnit.Framework
type Tests() = class
member self.OfSeq() =
// Will always succeed
Matrix.Generic.ofSeq [[1]] |> ignore
member self.OfList() =
// Will fail under certain conditions with a System.MissingMethodException
Matrix.Generic.ofList [[1]] |> ignore
When I do this the Application runs just fine (all tests pass), but the Class Library fails with the following exception:
System.MissingMethodException : Method not found: 'Microsoft.FSharp.Math.Matrix`1<!!0> Generic.ofList(Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1<Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1<!!0>>)'.
at Temp2.Tests.OfList()
What is going on here?
Another method that produces the issue is matrix.PermuteColumns.
Additional Info:
Let me know if there's additional information that would be of use.
I wonder if this is related to binding redirects. You may need to copy the app.config in the application project to the library project.
This sounds similar to a known issue that I'm currently writing a blog post about for the F# team blog (probably to appear in the next few weeks) regarding MSTest rather than NUnit. I would try copying the app.config into the library project, and if that doesn't work, then use the online template for unit testing here:
and additionally select 'TEST\Test Settings\Select Test Settings File' from the menu in VS, and point it at the 'MSTest.runsettings' file included in the unit test project template. I expect that one of those two tweaks will fix it in the MSTest case.