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Eclipse Android Emulator won't launch

I have installed Eclipse 4.2 with Eclipse android plugin(ADT)on ubuntu 11.10. when i launch "Hello World" project as an android application, it simply wont launch!

ps -x > log.txt after launching the emulator, output:

1000      7221 20.0  0.6  16884  6908 ?        D    18:11   0:00 /home/tutakhail/android-sdks/tools/emulator-arm -avd AndroidBrowser -netspeed full -netdelay none

launching the emulator manually from shell, i get the following error, shortly after which the emulator launches but is very slow.

emulator: ERROR: Could not load OpenGLES emulation library:    cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
emulator: WARNING: Could not initialize OpenglES emulation, using software renderer.

Any hints on what could be the issue here? Perhaps related to Ubuntu?


  • I guess its a bug affecting the latest versions of the ADTs perhaps has something to do with NVIDIA GPUs drivers. The issue is discussed here:!topic/adt-dev/nlA07toW1fc

    The work around that I have found which at least lets me execute my applications till a permanent solution is released, is that by first launching the emulator from shell even if it throws the error. After which i right-click and run my projects as an "Android application". The emulator does surprisingly execute them!