I am asking about a wp7 control, which presents an image. I don't know how to do this, and havn't found this in internet. So i need a control, which has different datatemplate depending on count of images needed to present. So, if we need present one image - it will fully show it on full control's size. If there are 2, 3 or 4 images - they must look like in a grid. So their size = size of control / 4.
ImageSource has only one Image Item
ImageSource has four Image Items
Thanks for advices.
I thought to create usercontrol wich is inherit from ListBox, but i don't know how to realize the question.
You should write custom panel, this will be the best way for you. Custom panel will give you speed and flexibility, and implementing it takes 1-2 hours. See example here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/silverlight_sdk/archive/2008/04/03/creating-a-custom-panel.aspx