This is my best solution so far to the problem of accessing the calling module from within a function:
import inspect
import sys
def calling_module(level=0):
filename = inspect.stack()[level+2][1]
modulename = inspect.getmodulename(filename)
return sys.modules[modulename]
except KeyError:
return sys.modules['__main__']
...but implicit in the handling of the KeyError
is the (largely unfounded) assumption that it can happen only if filename
is being run as __main__
Does the Python standard library provide a more robust way to do this?
I find that the following works well:
import inspect
def printfunc()
stk = inspect.stack()[1]
mod = inspect.getmodule(stk[0])
print("Currently in {}.{}".format(mod, stk[3]))
which I have inside a utility function called something like printfunc()