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How to validate and delete an image in Coldfusion uploaded by cfhttp?

I'm running Coldfusion8 and need to pick up and store images from a remote location and am trying to validate whether whats being picked is actually an image.

I usually do validation like this:

<cffile result="upload" action="upload" accept="image/png" filefield="Dateiname5" destination="#tempDirectory#" nameconflict="overwrite" />
    <cfset testFilePath = tempDirectory & upload.serverFile>
    <cfimage name="tempFile" action="read" source="#testFilePath#" />
    <cfif NOT isImageFile( testFilePath ) >
        <cfset fileDelete( testFilePath ) />
        <cfthrow type="FileNotFound" message="#tx_settings_icons_error_img#" />
    <cfelseif ImageGetHeight( tempFile ) NEQ 512 or ImageGetWidth( tempFile ) NEQ 512>
        <cfset fileDelete( testFilePath ) />
        <cfthrow type="FileNotFound" message="#tx_settings_icons_error_size#" />
    <cfelseif NOT listfindnocase(allow, upload.serverfileext) >
        <cfset fileDelete( testFilePath ) />
        <cfthrow type="FileNotFound" message="#tx_settings_icons_error_file#" />
    <cfset fileDelete( testFilePath ) />

So I'm uploading to a secure folder, perform validation for type, dimensions and file extension and discard from my secure folder if any of the validations fail.

I now need to validate extension and type using cfttp and am not getting it to work.

Right now I have this:

<cfhttp timeout="45" throwonerror="false" url="#variables.testFilePath#" method="get" getasbinary="yes" result="variables.objGet">
<cfset varaibles.allow = "png,jpg,jpeg">
<cfset variables.objImage = ImageNew(variables.objGet.FileContent)>
<cfif NOT isImageFile( variables.objImage ) >
    <cfset variables.failedLoads = variables.failedLoads & img_paths.bilddateiname & "(" & tx_gen_filetype & "), ">
    <!--- <cffile action="delete" file="#variables.objImage#"> --->
<cfelseif listFindNoCase( variables.allow, variables.fileExt) EQ 0>
    <cfset variables.failedLoads = variables.failedLoads & img_paths.bilddateiname & "(" & tx_gen_fileformat & "), ">
    <!---  <cffile action="delete" file="#variables.objImage#"> --->
    <cfdump output="e:\website\stokkers\test2012\dump.txt" label="catch" var="it's an image allright">

Can I use isImageFile here at all or is the image I create not an image... I can check for? Also, if any of the validations fail, how to I delete the create image again (from memory I assume)? cffile action="delete" doesn't seem to work?

This is what I'm checking right now:

<cfhttp timeout="45" 
    useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080201 Firefox/" 
<cfset variables.objImage = ImageNew(variables.objGet.FileContent)>
<!--- returns NO --->   
<cfdump output="e:\website\stokkers\test2012\dump.txt" label="catch" var="#IsBinary(variables.objImage)#">

<cfif NOT isImageFile( variables.objImage ) >
    <cfdump output="e:\website\stokkers\test2012\dump.txt" label="catch" var="not an image">    
    <!--- <cffile action="delete" file="#variables.objImage#"> --->

The file is a jpg, still I'm always failing isImageFile


  • The problem is that isImageFile expects a path based on the ColdFusion livedocs. What you want to do is call ImageNew, and if the fileContent is not a valid image, it will throw an exception. You can then cfcatch that exception and then behave accordingly. If it does not throw an exception, then it is a valid image.