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What is the difference between "::" "." and "->" in c++

I created a class called Kwadrat. The class has three int fields. My Development Environment suggests that I access the fields from Kwadrat created objects via the :: & -> operators. I tried both operators, and found that the -> operator is able to successfully access the data in the objects fields, although, the same cannot be said for the -> operator. I have also found that the . operator will access class members as well. I am confused, and don't understand why there are three members for accessing object members &/or methods. Can someone please explain to me what the difference is between the three operators?

          1. ->

          2. ::

          3. .

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class Kwadrat{

        int val1,

        Kwadrat(int val1, int val2, int val3)
            this->val1 = val1; // Working
            this.val2 = val2;  // Doesn't Work!
            this::val3 = val3; // Doesn't Work!

    int main()
        Kwadrat* kwadrat = new Kwadrat(1,2,3);


        return 0;


  • 1.-> for accessing object member variables and methods via pointer to object

    Foo *foo = new Foo();
    foo->member_var = 10;

    2.. for accessing object member variables and methods via object instance

    Foo foo;
    foo.member_var = 10;

    3.:: for accessing static variables and methods of a class/struct or namespace. It can also be used to access variables and functions from another scope (actually class, struct, namespace are scopes in that case)

    int some_val = Foo::static_var;
    int max_int = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();