I have a Model PromoCode
which has a .generate!
method, that calls .generate
which generates a String using SecureRandom.hex(5)
and saves it to the database:
class PromoCode < ActiveRecord::Base
class << self
def generate
SecureRandom.hex 5
def generate!
return create! code: generate
Now I want to write a spec that test the uniqueness of the generated string. The .generate
method should be called as long as a non existent PromoCode has been generated.
I'm not sure how to do this since I can't really stub out the .generate
method to return fixed values (because then it would be stuck in an infinite loop).
This is the passing spec for the model so far:
describe PromoCode do
describe ".generate" do
it "should return a string with a length of 10" do
code = PromoCode.generate
code.should be_a String
code.length.should eql 10
describe ".generate!" do
it "generates and returns a promocode" do
expect {
@promo = PromoCode.generate!
}.to change { PromoCode.count }.from(0).to(1)
@promo.code.should_not be_nil
@promo.code.length.should eql 10
it "generates a uniq promocode" do
Any directions appreciated.
Rspec's and_return
method allows you to specify multiple return values that will be cycled through
For example you could write
PromoCode.stub(:generate).and_return('badcode1', 'badcode2', 'goodcode')
Which will cause the first call to generate to return 'badcode1', the second 'badcode2' etc... You can then check that the returned promocode was created with the correct code.
If you want to be race condition proof you'll want a database uniqueness constraint, so your code might actually want to be
def generate!
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
In your spec you would stub the create! method to raise the first time but return a value the second time