I have a program that updates a config file. For example, the config file may contain:
<setting name="phoneNumber" serializeAs="String">
To update this config file, I use the following:
XmlNode phoneNumberNode = theConfig.SelectSingleNode("configuration/userSettings/setting[@name='phoneNumber']");
phoneNumberNode.FirstChild.InnerText = this._cloudPublisherWebURL;
Now, during the update I want to update phoneNumber and address. Address may or may not be in the config file.
If SelectSingleNode is null, I would like to create a node with the given path and set its value.
XmlNode addressNode = theConfig.SelectSingleNode("configuration/userSettings/setting[@name='address']");
if(addressNode == null)
//..Create the node here
How can I create the node with value at the given path?
XmlNode addressNode = theConfig.SelectSingleNode("configuration/userSettings");
XmlNode setting = addressNode.Item(0).SelectSingleNode("configuration/userSettings/setting[@name='phoneNumber']");
setting.SetAttribute("name", "address"); //this is to change the name attribute value into address