I'm using gettext translation adapter in a Zend Framework projekt. But I'm wondering what's the best practise when naming and placing these translation files within my project?
At first I had APPLICATION_PATH/languages/sv_SE.po (and sv_SE.mo)
But then I read about the auto searching features of Zend Framework and started wondering if it would be better to have the languages in subfolders. But the structure APPLICATION_PATH/languages/sv_SE/sv_SE.po and APPLICATION_PATH/languages/en_US/en_US.po
didn't feel quite natural. Using array adapters ect it have felt easier to come up with a good naming conventions... But what is the best practise when it comes to using gettext translations in Zend Framework? Is it most common to have all translations in a single file or should one use something like
Feels like this apporach might make it tedious when scaning source for strings to translate since one would have to open several files etc.
I ended up using
which has worked fine.