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How to properly terminate Android application with live sockets

I implemented an Android Application with following features:

Application: public class ApplicationGlobalAgent extends Application contains:

  • a MainActivity: to display GUI drawing -> and start other activities from it.
  • a network ServerSocket and a client Socket: to send/receive data in duplex mode.

I want to terminate Application when MainActivity finish, I did as follow:

In MainActivity extends Activity:

public void finish()

    Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "finish and call app termination");

    //call the application to terminate

In ApplicationGlobalAgent extends Application:

public void onTerminate()
    // do close ServerSocket and client Socket in networking threads


    Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "Terminated!");

    super.onTerminate(); //?? should be placed at the end of functions ??

    //totally kill this application process

BUT results are:

When have no network connection, the application terminates successfully, otherwise "Terminated!" is never printed until I close the network sockets at other side (who connected to the Android sockets).

So, How can I force the application to properly and fully terminate when exit the MainActivity with connecting network sockets?

Appreciate all your helps!


  • @Override public void finish()

    You should be overriding onDestroy instead.


    Never call this directly.


    This really isn't necessary.


    Why are you having the application call killProcess on itself? You should let the Android runtime system kill processes for you.

    How can I force the application to properly and fully terminate when exist the MainActivity with connecting network sockets?

    You don't need to worry about clean-up unless you have allocated resources that wouldn't be cleaned up when the Java process is killed by the kernel.