We are trying to create a unique ID for each user that visits our site. I'm relatively new to Zend and to MVC patterns, so i'm unsure as to where the cookies should be set and how.
The php is very straight forward:
$expire = time()+60*60*24*30;
setcookie('mx_uid', uniqid('mx_'), $expire);
$lxid = $_COOKIE['mx_uid'];
I tried to place this into the View and ran into the issue that the cookie is regenerated on every new page that is loaded, so if they go to 20 pages on the site then they have 20 cookies.
Additionally, I need to use the "$lxid" variable inline on each page without refreshing, because a javascript snippet will be capturing the cookie contents.
Has anyone used cookies in this way on Zend?
If you need to set cookies once during one session place them in frontController plugin. Add to your app.ini
resources.frontController.plugins.a.class = "YourNamespace_Plugin_Cookies"
And then your plugin will look like
class YourNamespace_Plugin_Cookies extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$cookie = $request->getCookie('mx_uid');
setcokkie('mx_uid',$lxid,$expire, '/');