I am trying to visualize two columns of an an Excel file: Column A contains categories, while Column B contains individual entries. The dot file is generated by Excel using the following formula:
=IFERROR(CONCATENATE("subgraph cluster_",A2,"{""",B2,"""","; label =""",A2,"""}"),"")
Afterwards the "unflatten" utility is used to distribute the nodes more evenly, and finally the "dot" is used to generate the graph
unflatten.exe -f -l 4 -c 6 -o FLATTENED.dot INPUTFILE.dot
dot -Tpng FLATTENED.dot > FLATTENED.png
The following graph is generated
I would like to make the graph more compact, and align the categories to the upper egde of the page, what commands should I look into to improve the resulting output?
I've attached the dot file
Here's an idea:
to pack all graphs togetherThe basic idea is to use graphs instead of clusters so you can use gvpack
to pack the graphs.
Something like:
unflatten -f -l 4 -c 6 input.dot | dot | gvpack -array_t6 | neato -s -n2 -Tpng -o output.png
Not sure though whether unflatten handles files with several graphs.
(Sorry, no time to check it).