I have a Dynamic table view which has 5 prototype cells, inside each cell I have 6 textfields. I´m tagging the textfields but I´m having trouble understanding How can I get the values from all of them in the "textFieldDidEndEditing
In my code I have this:
-(void) textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField
NSMutableArray *cellOneContentSave = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSString *cellOneTexfieldOneTxt;
if (textField == [self.view viewWithTag:1503])
cellOneTexfield1Txt = textField.text;
[cellOneContentSave addObject:cellOneTexfieldOneTxt];
Problem 1: BUT! this only get´s me the value from one texfield in cell one...Should I be using a switch for each cell and texfield?.
Problem 2: I said it was a dynamic tableview, so the user can insert news rows(per section) pressing the green + button that appears on the left side when he enters the commit edit style...and when he enters, should the tag´s of the newtexfields have different tag´s?. In one hand I think not, because it´s new texfields BUT different indepaxth.row....but in the other hand I don´t know if the controller demands new tag´s...
-(void) textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField
// assuming your text field is embedded directly into the table view
// cell and not into any other subview of the table cell
UITableViewCell * parentView = (UITableViewCell *)[textField superview];
NSMutableArray *cellOneContentSave = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSString *cellOneTexfieldOneTxt;
NSArray * allSubviews = [parentView subviews];
for(UIView * oneSubview in allSubviews)
// get only the text fields
if([oneSubview isKindOfClass: [UITextField class]])
UITextField * oneTextField = (UITextField *) oneSubview;
[cellOneContentSave addObject: oneTextField.text];
} else {
// if nothing is in the text field, should
// we simply add the empty string to the array?
[cellOneContentSave addObject: @""];
// don't forget to actually *DO* something with your mutable array
// (and release it, in case you're not using ARC), before this method
// returns.