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C++ multiple operator=()

I'm writing a String class. I'd like to be able to assign my strings such as;

a = "foo";
a = "123";
int n = a; // notice str -> int conversion
a = 456; // notice int -> str conversion

I've already assigned my operator=() method for string to integer conversion. How can I declare another operator=() so that I can do the reverse method?

When I declare another, it seems to override the previous.

String::operator const char *() {
    return cpStringBuffer;
String::operator const int() {
    return atoi(cpStringBuffer);
void String::operator=(const char* s) {
    strcpy(cpStringBuffer, s);
bool String::operator==(const char* s) {
    return (strcmp(cpStringBuffer, s) != 0);

//void String::operator=(int n) {
//  char _cBuffer[33];
//  char* s = itoa(n, _cBuffer, 10);
//  ResizeBuffer(strlen(_cBuffer));
//  strcpy(cpStringBuffer, _cBuffer);


  • A single-argument constructor can act as an int->String conversion, whereas a so-called conversion operator does the converse int->String

    class String
        String(int)            {} // initialization of String with int
        String& operator=(int) {} // assignment of int to String
        operator int() const {} // String to int

    Note however, that these conversions will happen implicitly and you can easily get bitten. Suppose you would extend this class to also accept std::string arguments and conversions

    class String
        String(int)          {} // int to String
        String(std::string)  {} // std::string to String
        // plus two assignment operators 
        operator int() const       {} // String to int
        operator std::string const {} // String to std::string

    and you would have these two function overloads

    void fun(int)         { // bla }
    void fun(std::string) { // bla }

    Now try and call fun(String()). You get a compile error because there are multiple -equally viable- implicit conversions. THat's why C++98 allows the keyword explicit in front of single-argument constructors, and C++11 extends that to explicit conversion operators.

    So you would write:

    class String
        explicit String(int)          {} // int to String
        explicit operator int() const {} // String to int 

    One example where implicit conversion might be legitate is for smart pointer classes that want to convert to bool or (if they are templated) from smart_pointer<Derived> to smart_pointer<Base>.