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QTP: Checking If an array of strings contains a value

I am having trouble getting my test case to run correctly.

The problem is in the code below, the first if statement to be exact. QTP complains that an object is required

For j=Lbound(options) to Ubound(options)
    If options(j).Contains(choice) Then
        MsgBox("Found " & FindThisString & " at index " & _
        MsgBox "String not found!"
    End If

When I check the array I can see that it is populated correctly and 'j' is also the correct string. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.


  • Strings in VBScript are not objects, in that they do not have member functions. Searching for a substring should be done by using the InStr function.

    For j=Lbound(options) to Ubound(options)
        If InStr(options(j), choice) <> 0 Then
            MsgBox("Found " & choice & " at index " & j
            MsgBox "String not found!"
        End If