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Customization of native android components in Titanium appcelerotor

I am experienced android developer but newbie in Tiatanium appcelerator. I want to develop an android app using Titanium Appcelerator. My questions are as follows.

  1. Can we customize the native android components(like RelativeLayout,Button,etc..) ? for example I want to develop some custom view like pull-to-refreshlistview by extending ListView class or I want my own custom ImageView by extending the ImageView class is it possible with appcelerator platform?
  2. Can I create a my own mediaplayer/videoplayer using appcelerator platform?

If I can leverage the native android components like views by extending them.Then any demo/sample will be highly appreciated.

NOTE :: I am using Titanium Studio IDE to develop my android apps.



  • yes you can do all the above mentioned things. As appcelerator provides you severals API's where you can achieve the desired. you can create a a view and set its layout to relative etc.

    You can create a pull to refresh feature in android too. here is the link Pull to refresh-Android

    And yes you can create your own media player with Appcelerator. I have made it.

    to see the examples, download the titanium studio and download the sample App - kitchen sink. In this sample App you can see all the cool stuff Appcelerator can do.

    you can download the sample App from the Titanium studio or you can refer this link for KitchenSink

    Hope that helped. :)