test.php file echoes some greek letters for testing
<meta charset = "UTF-8" />
$language = "en_US";
$lang_path = "language";
setlocale(LC_ALL, $language);
bindtextdomain("lang", $lang_path);
echo gettext("α");
echo gettext("β");
echo gettext("γ");
echo gettext("δ");
echo gettext("ε");
echo gettext("ζ");
My folders and files are structured like
language/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/lang.mo and lang.po
mo file is correctly compiled, and it must translate to abcdez. In poedit i have used utf-8 everywhere. The code produces αβcδεζ , so only letter c is translated! I have restarted my server, i have en_US encoding installed in my system and i can't understand why only one letter is translated..
A simple implementation i wrote reading zend and cakephp code. It does not support plurals, and it simply replaces words, so you can replace not only from one language.
test.php file
<meta charset = "UTF-8" />
require_once "gettext.php";
echo __("something");
echo __("α");
echo __("β");
echo __("γ");
echo __("δ");
echo __("ε");
echo __("ζ");
gettext.php file
/* please change APPPATH to an ultimate directory of the language folder */
* Loads the binary .mo file and returns array of translations
* @param string $filename Binary .mo file to load
* @return mixed Array of translations on success or false on failure
function loadMo($filename) {
$translations = false;
// @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
// Binary files extracted makes non-standard local variables
if ($data = file_get_contents($filename)) {
$translations = array();
$header = substr($data, 0, 20);
$header = unpack("L1magic/L1version/L1count/L1o_msg/L1o_trn", $header);
if ((dechex($magic) == '950412de' || dechex($magic) == 'ffffffff950412de') && $version == 0) {
for ($n = 0; $n < $count; $n++) {
$r = unpack("L1len/L1offs", substr($data, $o_msg + $n * 8, 8));
$msgid = substr($data, $r["offs"], $r["len"]);
if (strpos($msgid, "\000")) {
list($msgid, $msgid_plural) = explode("\000", $msgid);
$r = unpack("L1len/L1offs", substr($data, $o_trn + $n * 8, 8));
$msgstr = substr($data, $r["offs"], $r["len"]);
if (strpos($msgstr, "\000")) {
$msgstr = explode("\000", $msgstr);
$translations[$msgid] = $msgstr;
if (isset($msgid_plural)) {
$translations[$msgid_plural] =& $translations[$msgid];
// @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd
return $translations;
Your system folder must be ULTIMATE_PATH/language/$language
where language is a parametre like en,el,fr or english or whatever
domain is the name of the mo file without mo extension e.g. default
You can pass this parameteres with the __ function below
function translate($singular, $language = null, $domain = null) {
$directory = APPPATH."language/"; // your path to language folder
if (strpos($singular, "\r\n") !== false) {
$singular = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $singular);
if (is_null($language) ) { // default el
$language = "el";
if (is_null($domain)) {
$domain = "default";
$localeDef = $directory . $language;
$file = $localeDef."/".$domain;
$translations = null;
if (is_file($file . '.mo')) {
$translations = loadMo($file . '.mo');
if (!empty($translations[$singular])) {
$trans = $translations[$singular];
if (strlen($trans)) {
return $trans;
return $singular;
take language (must be in language folder) from $_GET["lang"];
function __($singular) {
if (!$singular) {
if (isset($_GET["lang"]) ) // you can use cookie, session etc
$translated = translate($singular,$_GET["lang"]);
$translated = translate($singular);
return $translated;
In my code i have default language el, and you get the language with GET['lang']. (You can change that to a COOKIE, SESSION etc. Also the mo files must be called default.mo. (You can change that also in the code). So you can have in your directory:
default is el/default.mo and you can change to en with ?lang=en in your url.