I have a dll where I want to do some networking, this dll is called from an C# application as an unmanaged DLL. All initialization works fine but it freezes everytime the ->get() is supposed to run. I have this code:
QUrl path(remotePath);
QNetworkRequest request(path);
doCallback("failed to open: " + localPath);
doCallback("before get: " + remotePath);
QNetworkReply* reply = this->manager->get(request);
doCallback("after get: " + localPath);
The "before get" callback is executed fine but never the one "after get" so I guess it completely freezes when manager is trying the Get() method. Have I missed something or is this just plain impossible through an DLL?
Okey so I got this working and I thought I would share my knowledge. With my unmanaged dll I exported an init function which creates a new QCoreApplication, through this I can later use the event loop by using the QCoreApplication object as parent to my class which executes all networking.
QCoreApplication* coreApp = 0;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void initdll()
if (!coreApp) {
int argc = 0;
coreApp = new QCoreApplication(argc, 0);
MyFunc = new QtDll(coreApp);
By calling this init function in my C# (or whatever) application before I tried any networking I got it working with the code in my first post by adding an exec of the event loop.
QNetworkReply* reply = this->manager->get(request);
currentReply = reply;
QEventLoop eLoop;
connect(reply, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(slotReadyRead()));
eLoop.exec( QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents );
Thanks Peter for your feedback.