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OCR engine to capture characters from images

i'm using c# tessnet2 wrapper for Tesseract OCR engine to capture chracters of image files. i been searching everywhere if tessnet2 has any build in functions to overwrite certain characters and saved them into the same image file it's reading but have not found anything in regards to that. so what i'm thinking of doing is creating a new imagine file base on what i'm receiving from tessnet2 but i need to create the new image the same exact way but change just few things in the new created image. i'm not sure if i'm using the correct methology or if there is other c# assemblies out there that allow you to read characters from image file and at the same time allow you to manipulate as you need them.


  • Good luck--but tess has no way of replacing in the proper font. Raster graphics don't generally store glyph information. Even if it did, you would potentially be in violation of licenses and/or copyrights surrounding the fonts you'd be writing in. I'm not an expert in OCR, but I will confidently say that this is something not readily available out there in the wild.