How can I query Sybase IQ server from a script such as Python or Perl using ODBC? I searched on internet but I couldn't find a sample connection string. Could someone provide a sample connection string for this?
the details i have for connection are server name and database schema name. (and username and password).
example using isql is
isql -S SERVER_IQ -D schema_name -U username -P password
Above connection works when i specify correct details. I need a corresponding connection string using odbc driver or Sybase IQ drivers.
Regards, Alok
Perl provides an easy to use interface which is not the same for Python on R. Anyways, i found the solution from our DBA. I use following connection string to open the Sybase IQ connection
"Driver={Sybase IQ};UID=username; PWD=*******; ServerName=SERVERNAME; CommLinks=SharedMemory,TCPIP{;port=111}"
Regards, Alok