I am tyring to test Whoosh for text searching and right now a simple contrived example is not working for me. I assume I am missing something here. In the following code I would expect it give a single search result but I get 0 hits.
import sys
import os
from whoosh.fields import Schema, TEXT, STORED
from whoosh.index import create_in, open_dir
from whoosh.query import *
#creating the schema
schema = Schema(tax_id=STORED,
#creating the index
if not os.path.exists("index"):
ix = create_in("index",schema)
ix = open_dir("index")
writer = ix.writer()
writer.add_document(tax_id="17",name=u"Methyliphilus methylitrophus")
writer.add_document(tax_id="17",name=u"Methylophilus methylotrophus Jenkins et al. 1987")
writer.add_document(tax_id="45",name=u"Chondromyces lichenicolus")
myquery = And([Term("name",u"Chondromyces")])
with ix.searcher() as searcher:
print searcher.search(myquery)
<Top 0 Results for And([Term('name', u'Chondromyces lichenicolus')]) runtime=9.41753387451e-05>
Was able to make it work
from whoosh.qparser import QueryParser
with ix.searcher() as searcher:
query = QueryParser("name", ix.schema).parse(u'Chondromyces')
results = searcher.search(query)
for result in results:
print result